Officiating Minister

Mr. Wong was the officiating minister.

He was also our pre-marriage counsellor dealing with the theological parts which we found very helpful.

Wedding coordinator

Sylvia, most experienced, most efficient, helped us sooooo much!

The Best Men

Yee Weng Soon and Cheah Kok Choong. Been through so much with them, am glad they are by my side on my special day!

The Bridesmaids

Cheng Yee's old friend, Lucy and Cheng Yee's sister. Lucy grew up together with Cheng Yee in church.

The MC

I've known Andrew Wong for so long but in recent times, we have gotten closer due to service in church and also BSF.

Opening prayer

Kenny Cheah - another old fren whom i watch growing up, he and his wife was also a big help to Cheng Yee when she joined our local church.

Closing prayer and Pre-Marriage Counselling

Kesavan, my Bible School teacher. He and his wife were also our pre-marriage counselling on the practical aspects and the sessions we had with them were really very very applicable!


Dependable and capable, we also wanted Su to be the driver so that Cheng Yee can have someone nice to keep her company during the drive.

PA and sound system

Timothy agreed to handle the PA as well as coordinate all the music for the wedding! Very experienced man in this field.

Special item

There was no doubt in my mind that Yu Jin was going to sing during my wedding. A great singer and a even better fren!


I wanted my old frens whom i used to jam with to play together again - and they all agreed to. And had a really good time! Jin Ai (leader), Foo Seng, Edwin and Michael!


Wei Lyn had been a great help coordinating the decorations together with her team.


Kristin, who was always gonna be my choice to sing for our wedding. She could not make it but recorded her singing for us using her i-phone!!!

ADDEMDUM: Due to technical reasons, her recording could not be used for the wedding - but we really appreciate her efforts and wished she could have been there!


Lina helped to get together the team of ushers. Lina and her husband Jit Boon, have been good frens to us since being in the same cell group! We are thankful for her and the ushers who are mainly our cell group members.

Gift table

Weng Yan and Amy are close frens whom we have known for a long time from Church.

Hsei Ee is Cheng Yee's counsin who helped us also to accept the gifts from Cheng Yee's relatives.


Cheng Yee's colleague and good fren, a very helpful person and a great photographer!


Mah Pung - in recent years, we found out we share the love for similar things! Star Wars, running, durians, photography to name a few.


Sylvia got together the people to prepare the food and Li Juin helped to coordinate it downstairs.


Two very good singers who happens to be sisters and our good frens too!